The ten best comedy shows of 2015

15th December 2015

In at Number 1, is the wonderful Joseph Morpurgo's 'Soothing Sounds for Baby'

"There was so many brilliant moments - AA Milne's sinister bedtime story, the Dazz Band's silly quiz, Joseph Cooper teaching the audience how to sing a Google maps route - in this hour that totally zipped by" 

Missed it? You have another chance, as Morpurgo plays the Soho Theatre, February 1 to 13 2016.

Foster's Winner Sam Simmons comes in at Number 3, with 'Spaghetti for Breakfast'
"In 'Spaghetti for Breakfast', Simmons was conflicted about whether to please himself or his audience; whether to be more 'relatable' or just go all-out silly. He settled on a compromise, in a way; the show was daft and daring, but was also his most accessible show yet."

Luckily, you have another chance to catch it, as Simmons plays Soho Theatre, from Now until January 9 2016.

And at Number 6, is the wonderful Pat Cahill with the wartime-themed 'Panjandrum'

"The most charmingly joyful show of the year. Pat Cahill's war-themed 'Panjandrum' was pretty much total nonsense, as the introverted stand-up donned a tin helmet and tried to zone out the rest of the world insider his bunker (rather than at home alone in his Shepherd's Bush bedsit)."