Lucy Montgomery Live

31st August 2010

The star of Tittybangbangbang, Bellamy’s People and now her own Radio 4 sketch series, Lucy Montgomery comes to the Leicester Square Theatre with her character comedy show.Aided by her side kick, comedy legend Philip Pope (he co-wrote Spitting Image’s The Chicken Song don’tcha know) Lucy brings her newest characters to the stage. There’s eighty year old cabaret singer and show biz legend Candi Karmel; think Liza Minnelli after even more breakdowns. She’s on her five hundredth stage appearance, her fiftieth stroke and her tenth gay husband and she’s here to entertain you. There’s Daisy, an overly garrulous babysitter obsessed with the Twilight books, Tim Vincent’s mum and an appearance from the world’s first professional wanker. Leicester Square Theatre 14th – 18th September7.30pmBOX OFFICE: 0844 847 2475