5 Stars from Three Weeks for Banjax!

27th August 2010

Delete the Banjax continue their success in Edinburgh with another 5 star review from Three Weeks....Delete the Banjax have pulled off another corker of a show. The incredibly talented and eccentric foursome were slated for great things by the critics last year, and they have certainly lived up to expectations. Their playful sketch show brilliantly blurred the boundaries between improvised and prepared, leaving the audience reeling at their impressive comic timing. Totally off the wall and surreal, some sketches were so funny in parts that event the cast were in hysterics. All four actors brought something different to the table, but special mention must be given to Dan, whose energy levels could blow up a small hamlet. Surreal, energetic, hysterically funny, missing this act would be like skipping Christmas. 5/5